Feb. 26, 2021

Season 3, Episode 22: #EHSCareerMonth

Season 3, Episode 22: #EHSCareerMonth

Where will your path lead? On this episode, School Counselor Mrs. Grim gives us all the important information to assist students, staff and parents on the road to answering that that question as Emmaus High School kicks off March Career Month. She assists everyone in where to go to find the calendar of speakers, biographies on each presenter, and how to sign up through Naviance to attend the sessions.

As an added bonus, thanks to the counseling department, we will be giving out prizes to students and staff as they display examples of career readiness. Take a picture of something career-related, yourself watching one of the career speakers, or a potential job or career related to something you are doing in or out of class and post it to Twitter or Instagram using #EHSCareerMonth to enter. Names will be drawn at random at the end of the month.