May 17, 2021

Season 3, Episode 32: 2nd Anniversary Special Episode with Students Organizing Against Racism

Season 3, Episode 32: 2nd Anniversary Special Episode with Students Organizing Against Racism

For the second anniversary of the 9th Grade Experience Podcast, we highlight the work of freshmen Elizabeth "Tami" Adesanya and Brasciana "Brassy" Ford in the establishment of the newest student group Students Organizing Against Racism (SOAR). Along with faculty advisor, Eyer librarian Mrs. Magro, Tami and Brassy are working to bring awareness and change to the mindsets of the Emmaus High School community through information and advocacy about what it means to be a person of color. Topics discussed include:

  • The purpose behind SOAR
  • What does it mean to be "anti-racist"
  • How do we involve and engage students to care about these issues
  • What does it mean to be an "ally"
  • Messages for adults serving on committees attempting to drive equity discussions at EHS

We also asked today's guests to provide some additional resources beyond our show to expand our listener's knowledge about these issues and those are included below:

Tami’s Pick

Racial Equity Tool Kit

Brassy’s Picks

I know the books “Heavy” by Kiese Layton and “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas are both amazing books to put into perspective what it’s like to be Person of Color (POC) in America. Also, is a website that can be helpful for others to recognize their privilege and become a better ally.

Mrs. Magro’s Picks

If I could recommend just one book (tough for me to do!) that I think everyone should read it would be This Book Is Anti-Racist by Tiffany Jewell, and one podcast for teachers would be the Teaching Hard History podcast from Learning for Justice.

Mr. Stuchko’s Picks

Listen to the EHS student newspaper podcast interview with Tami and Sydney Clarke - EHS Stinger Podcast SOAR Interview

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man by Emmanuel Acho

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You: A Remix of the National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X.Kendi

** All book links above will take you to the website for Let’s Play Books in Emmaus, Pa. **