Sept. 20, 2020

Season 3, Episode 5: Club Spotlight - Gay-Straight Alliance, Kid to Kid, Latin Club and Foreign Cultures Club

Season 3, Episode 5: Club Spotlight - Gay-Straight Alliance, Kid to Kid, Latin Club and Foreign Cultures Club

Without our normal club fair at the beginning of the year to learn more about the 70+ organizations here at Emmaus High School, the 9th Grade Experience has been reaching out advisors to bring you more information on some of these different groups to see if one is the right fit for you.

On this episode, we hear from Mrs. Grim and Dr. Pinho discussing the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA); Ms. Martini explaining Kid to Kid, and Mrs. Shimmel doubling down with Latin Club and Foreign Cultures Club.

To get more information about clubs and activities, listen to the announcements during 3rd period Advisory or visit

For full videos of each interview, subscribe to our YouTube page