Sept. 29, 2020

Season 3, Episode 7: EPSD Technology Integration Specialists, Part 2 (Tech Tips)

Season 3, Episode 7: EPSD Technology Integration Specialists, Part 2 (Tech Tips)

This is Part 2 of the discussion with our EPSD Technology Integration Specialists Heather Moser, Dylan Peters and Brian Scholl. If you are looking for some of the best tips and strategies for Zoom, Schoology, and a reminder on what to do when your computer is not working, this is the episode you have been looking for.

For more information about all things technology, please go to

If you missed it, go back and listen to  Part 1, which was released last week. The group discussed the best ways to tackle technology during this remote time. Surprisingly, most of this conversation does not deal with hardware and connectivity issues, but how to communicate with teachers, collaborate with other students, and problem solve through challenges.