In June 2018 I had the honor of appearing on the ! Enjoy! If you enjoy the show you should consider subscribing. -- Chris and I talk about why some people have tech phobias or believe that they can't do tech in the classroom. We also discuss how tech...
In June 2018 I had the honor of appearing on the Teaching, Learning, Leading K12 Podcast hosted by Steve Miletto!
Enjoy! If you enjoy the show you should consider subscribing.
Chris and I talk about why some people have tech phobias or believe that they can't do tech in the classroom. We also discuss how tech can best serve the classroom teacher as well as the obstacles that many teachers face in using technology for learning.
Chris is definitely a podcaster. We spent some time reflecting on the House of #EdTech and the education podcasting network.
I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Chris. There is so much to learn and think about.
Thanks for listening and I hope that you will share this episode with your friends, colleagues, and family.