I started listening to this podcast today. Mr. Nesi does a great job promoting different possibilities when it comes to bring technology into the classroom meaningfully. I appreciate his “less is more advocacy”, meaning that instead of learning about ALL the difference technology resources that are out there for educators, it’s more important to focus on and USE a small number of of resources. Too many times we teachers feel the need to find the resources and write down the name of the app and bookmark the useful website, and we never actually use these resources. Mr. Nesi, please keep reminding us that using technology and experimenting with technology is more important than having a hundred names of apps/websites on the tip of our tongues. I also appreciate Mr. Nesi’s reminder that using technology for technology’s sake is ridiculous. We need to be mindful of how and why we’re using technology in the classroom. I’m thankful for this podcast and I’ll be listening more.
July 18, 2014 by anthonyrdevine on Apple Podcasts