Oct. 16, 2020



Special Bonus Episode #15: Educators tend to put their students' needs above their own. However, we must all remember that we are no good to our students if we do not practice self-care. Special Guest Rebecca Day, CEO/Owner Health Solutions Associates...

Special Bonus Episode #15: Educators tend to put their students' needs above their own. However, we must all remember that we are no good to our students if we do not practice self-care. Special Guest Rebecca Day, CEO/Owner Health Solutions Associates LLC & Creator of H.E.A.R.T. Method of Self Care for Educators, joins Matt to talk about the impact self-care can have on student learning, and ways we can all benefit from taking care of ourselves. **Special note that Mrs. Day's contact information has been updated since the recording. Her website is www.healthsolutionsvt.com, email: bday8786@gmail.com, and phone number 802-355-2870.**