Dec. 3, 2021



Episode #47 is up! Check it out!!!

While women make up a majority of K-12 educators, there is a substantial gap when it comes to female representation in building and district leadership positions. Special Guest Dr. Stephanie Burroughs, Researcher...

Episode #47 is up! Check it out!!!

While women make up a majority of K-12 educators, there is a substantial gap when it comes to female representation in building and district leadership positions. Special Guest Dr. Stephanie Burroughs, Researcher and Education Leader, a co-creator of the #WomenEDLeaders Twitter Chat, joins Matt to discuss that disparity. Additionally, Dr. Burroughs shares some strategies to improve this ratio, and discusses why she helped to create the #WomenEDLeaders chat to support lifting female voices in education leadership.

You can connect with Dr. Burroughs via Twitter @BurroughsEDK12 or through her website Don’t forget to check out the #WomenEDLeaders twitter chat on Mondays at 8 PM EST.