Sept. 20, 2017

An Hour of Genius with Don Wettrick - PPD014

An Hour of Genius with Don Wettrick - PPD014

This week we are joined by genius innovator Don Wettrick who shares stories about rebranding himself from TV production teacher to Innovation Specialist, helping students find their passions beyond 20% time, introducing the world to those who inspire and motivate him (check out his podcast StartEdUp), and a recent interaction with the most famous Jedi of all time!

Don gets real about what innovation is and imparts practical advice about starting our kid young when it comes to genius hour. We hope you enjoy our hour of genius with Don and then stick around to what we’re listening to and learning.

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Don Wettrick is an Innovation Specialist at Noblesville High School, just outside Indianapolis, IN. He is the author of “Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation and Taking 20% Time to the Next Level.” Don has worked as a middle school and high school teacher; educational and innovation consultant; and educational speaker. Don is passionate about helping students find their educational opportunities and providing them with the digital tools they need to give them a competitive edge. He has lectured across the US and Europe about collaboration, social media use, and work environments that enable innovation. He also creates and hosts a podcast, StartEDUp. But most importantly, Don works with educators and students to bring innovation and collaborative skills into education.

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What Are We Listening To

Stacey: Just finished up a series on Hidden Brain called You 2.0 all about self-improvement. Episodes included Deep Work with Cal Newport, Dream JobsEmbracing ChaosWOOPMaking Decisions, and Getting Unstuck.

Chris: School started – back to listening to podcasts each morning and afternoon on the drive!

AJ: Revisionist History w/ Malcolm GladwellMcDonald’s Broke my Heart AND StartEdUp w/ DW Ep 78 – Monday Motivation – Do We Want Student Leaders or Well Behaved Kids

What We Are Learning

Stacey: Instructional Coaching with Jim Knight-PEERS goals Powerful, Easy, Emotionally Compelling, Reachable, Student Focused

Chris: Miles’ loft bed is no more… Mom and Dad lost the ability to snuggle with their favorite oldest child.

AJ: HyperDocs Kate Baker – 9-11 hyperdoc

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