Sept. 2, 2020

Back to School 2020-2021 - PPD082

Back to School 2020-2021 - PPD082

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We’ve spent quite a bit of time discussing what education could look like on this podcast in the past and as we continue to move forward in a world that is very different from when we’ve had those conversations.

We’d like to talk about what education could like once more as we continue to live through COVID-19 and look ahead to the new school year.

We discussed:

We were fortunate to be joined by:

What We’re Listening To

Stacey recommended:

  • Nice White Parents (NPR) – Years ago, producer Chana Joffe-Walt started reporting on one school in New York. She thought the story was about segregation and inequality in public schools. But the more she looked into it, the more she realized she was witnessing something else. She was seeing the inordinate power of white parents at this school. This is the first episode of Chana’s new mini-series: Nice White Parents.

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