AJ and Chris discuss the format of this episode: finding educational topics to talk about from around the internet.
Topics Discussed:
Professional Development: Is it useful? The AJ and Chris debate the effectiveness of PD, especially when it feels too politically correct or irrelevant to the actual classroom experience.
Job Offers: How long do you have to decide on a job offer? Chris and AJ share their experiences and suggest that a 24-hour buffer is reasonable to make a decision.
Technology Fails in the Classroom: A practicum student shares a disastrous observation experience due to technology issues and poor planning. Chris and AJ empathize and offer advice on resilience and learning from mistakes.
Pork Roll or Taylor Ham?: Chris and AJ tackle a classic New Jersey debate. Chris stands firm on calling it pork roll, while AJ prefers Taylor Ham.
Chris and AJ reflect on the importance of resilience in teaching, the need for personalized professional development, and the value of learning from challenging experiences.
They also invite listeners to share their thoughts, feedback, and questions for future episodes.