Summer 2017 is more than halfway over. As the sun sets on our 2017 fun, Chris, AJ, and I share some updates about our Summertime learning and look ahead to what we plan to explore during the first quarter of the school year.
Featured Content
- AJ fills us in on his #10bks10wks challenge-so far he has read Drive, You Are a Badass, and Tribes. On deck is The Energy Bus. For more details about these books and why AJ picked them, listen to episode 10!
- Chris is dropping the pounds and is committed to improving his health, though waking up at 5 AM is no fun!
- Stacey is increasing her mileage and putting the run back into iruntech. She may or may not run the Perfect 10, and is already signed up for a half in 2018 (could there be more than one?). Stacey also vows to complete her creativity project by the start of the school year; end of August/beginning of September.
Links and Resources
What Are We Listening To
AJ: Cult of Pedagogy and getting excited about the StartEdUp Podcast
Chris: 30 for 30 Podcast from ESPN
Stacey: Thoroughly Considered Episode 12: The Conference Racket
What We Are Learning
AJ: #10bks10wks
Chris: How to build a charging station for his classroom
Stacey: Know Me Before You Teach Me and EdcampLDR-how to flip the faculty meeting and using hyperdocs instead of a faculty handbook
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