It's mid summer and just about the time when all of those school supplies sales start kicking in. I know I still get excited about new pens and stickers, but I also try to start planning leisurely (if that is possible) for th...
Summer is around the corner and it's almost time for a break! Part 2 of our Summer Support series is focused on our 6-12 kiddos. They are ready to mooooove on up to the next adventure so here are a few easy ways to support th...
Looking to share some fun summer learning ideas with your students? We have you covered! Many families ask about ways to continue learning over the summer and this week we have sites for our K-5 kiddos that will keep them eng...
Odds are that your school year is winding down. Every day certainly feels like a game of chance, so why not play!? This week, we are all over some math sites that have great probability & statistics activities along with othe...
Readers unite! This week we are highlighting a few tools to support readers in your classroom. We have lots of resources and fun ways to interact with other students! Let's get reading! View the post:
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Even if you do not teach science on a regular basis, The Biology Corner and Top Crop are two really fun sites to explore. They're really easy-to-use and will save you time in the classroom! Th...
This mini episode features a few of the cool resources connected with the Smithsonian. There are two resources we are focused on that are great classroom tools. Check them out! View the post:
It's Chrome Experiment time! I love Chrome Experiments! They are always fun, easy-to-navigate sites that are perfect to set up inquiry projects for students. They let you explore something you may not know a ton about, play a...
It's our job as educators to ensure that all students (and adults) have the tools they need to learn. We have chatted about a few Chrome Extensions in the past, including Google Read & Write. However, with SO many extensions ...
With so many kids learning and sharing online, we need to teach them how to navigate the internet appropriately. Just like students learning to have good phone etiquette back in the day, kids now need to learn how to function...
Who is firing up some student projects and needs a way to present them? This week, we are featuring Animoto and sharing a few Prezi updates that will get your students cranking out creative videos and sharing their knowledge ...
What a random kind of week! Random group generators that is! 😄 Lately, I’ve been asked a lot for tools that can help create groups of all sorts, so this week I am sharing a few of my favorites! View the post: https://smartinw...
Are you ready for some dirt on virtual gardening? 🌸 This week we discuss resources to support students with gardening projects. It's a fun an easy way to build STEM skills right into your day. Whether you have a garden projec...
Are you interested in gamifying your classroom? Where do you start? There are several ways to set up your classroom to make it more interactive. This episode shares two fun tech tools that make it easy to add interactivity to...
One. Just ONE website with TONS of tools! For the first time in foreverrrrrrrr we only focused on one tool. is the highlight of our week! There are SO many ways to use this tool, it seemed like it needed its o...
It’s design time! We have some fun tools for our elementary kiddos today focused on STEM skills! The design process can be learned at any age and can be applied to multiple subjects. The free tech tools this week are to suppo...
Music! Music! Music! This week we are all about that base and it won’t cause any you any “treble”.😃 We are featuring easy-to-use music sites that can be used in any content area. They are fun, quick and engaging! Chrome Music...
Need a creative outlet? We have creative writing tools for you and your students. Do you have a poetry unit coming up or a need a daily writing prompt? There is a little bit of everything this week! Language is a Virus Langua...
Yo, Teach! Time for collaboration! It’s the start of a new year and new ways to collaborate with each other. Educators have been working to adapt and change so much this school year but certain things do not change. Students ...
This week we are mooooving toward 2021 with Moovly and a few other presentation tools that are going to get us there! We are at the point in the school year where we are caught between longer breaks. As you all know, this mea...
The goal this week was a quick mini-episode of Google tools with timesaving ideas. However, there was so much to chat about, it turned into a longer than normal episode! There was just so much to share! I know many schools us...
In this week's episode, we discuss four free 3D tools that you can use with your students. The first two, Figuro and SketchUp, are available as online tools that you can use from any computer. The second two tools, Blender an...
Let’s head to outer space! This week’s sites are out of this world! We were trying really hard to come up with good one liners during the podcast so I am going to put them all in this week’s blog instead. 🚀 HubbleSite There h...
Who needs a break?! We all need to shake it up and have a little fun! What better way to take a little brain break than with some art. This week, we are focusing on free, easy-to-use digital art tools to take your mind off ev...