Are you ready to reignite your passion and let your creativity shine? It's time to share your amazing gifts with the world! And guess what? Summer is the perfect season to kickstart a side hustle and connect with fellow teach...
Ever wonder how the chronic stress from teaching is impacting your summer lifestyle? While summer break is the ultimate goal of resting and recharging; stress knows no rest. Its impact on our bodies lingers, even in the mome...
Ready to finally get out of teacher burnout cycle this summer once and for all? Stop right now and give this one a listen! Teachers often think that summer break is the ideal time to kick burnout to the curb, …
One of the things that holds teachers back from getting out of burnout or recovering from burnout is stepping outside of their comfort zone. Many don't realize how this is an essential step in breaking the burnout cycle and ...
Are kids today addicted to their phones? And more importantly, how does this addiction affect their presence in the classroom? But let's not stop there. Let's reflect on ourselves as adults. Are we also caught in the grip of ...
One of the most not-talked-about factors of teacher burnout is our finances. Our financial health impacts our overall well-being, alongside physical, emotional, and social aspects. As educators, financial stress can weigh he...
Are you one of those teachers who is piled with more and more at the end of the school year? Or maybe it's another time where it feels like it's just a lot on your plate? You probably call this …
Have you hit that point of burnout where you're wondering if it's time to head to the therapist office? Maybe the idea of therapy is scary to you and you just don't know what to expect? I know that when …
Are you a burned out teacher wondering if it's time to move on and transition out of the classroom? You're definitely not alone. In the last couple of years, the number of teachers leaving the profession has sky-rocketed an...
Is it that time of the year to sign your teaching contract and you just don't know what to do? Are you confused - thinking how much you loved teaching but now it just doesn't seem feasible? Maybe you wonder …
Are you a teacher struggling to find joy in your job? Do you feel overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list and burned out by the education system? Hey, I'm with you. I know that feeling. And so does the special …
Not only do you have to lesson plan, do random administrative tasks, email parents and students, keep up to date on grading, but you have to manage behavior and actually teach. If you're like most teachers, that means you are...
If you spend hours writing your to-do list and constantly having more and more added to your plate as a teacher...then you more than likely could use some help from one of my favorite tools for reducing stress - (drum …
Are you a teacher struggling to keep up with the demands of your job? Do you find yourself taking on more responsibilities than you can handle? Or being handed more responsibilities and more demands year after year? If so, y...
Do you feel like you're constantly racing against the clock as a teacher? Are you sacrificing your personal life for the demands of the job? Teacher burnout is a real issue, but it doesn't have to be the norm. In …
If you put one hundred teachers in a room together and asked them what would make teaching a sustainable career, they would all give you different answers. However, those answers would all fit within three different areas: S...
Are you one of the thousands of teachers who is feeling overwhelmed, wanting to recover from burnout, and looking for ways to make this career sustainable? This episode is the first in a new series all about unlocking the sec...
Have you ever been around a colleague who is constantly negative? Maybe someone who talked negatively about others around them, was spreading gossip, or just never stopped complaining long enough to look for a solution to a p...
I am so excited to be talking about today's topic – how movement impacts your mental health – although I'm most excited for my guest to take the lead because, frankly, I've never been a huge fan of exercise. As …
Have you ever felt like you just weren't "enough" as a teacher? You may be experiencing imposter syndrome, which is defined as a set of inadequacies that linger in the face of achievement. It is difficult for "imposters" to f...
Are you a teacher who is burnout or feeling overwhelmed, disengaged, and defeated? Finding our unique strengths in our classroom, in our lives, and in our job can really improve our overall sense of well-being and finding our...
Have you ever spent your Sunday freaking out about your week ahead? Scrambling to finish last minute lesson plans or meal plan for the week ahead? Ruminating about all the what if's? Did you know that literally 80% of profess...
Are one of those teachers who saves up all of their sick days, personal days, rarely takes a day off? Maybe you think to yourself - "I can't take a day off work because my class would fall apart." Perhaps …
Are you looking for ways to reduce decision fatigue that is impacting you in your classroom or at home? Are you not even sure that's what you are experiencing? In this episode, we are diving deeper into effects of decision …