How to use the STEAR Cycle to analyze why you’re getting a particular result in your life.
How to manage your mind in order to give yourself the time you need to do a great job.
3 tips for implementing information retention and learning strategies that are a must for school leaders.
The profound impact of a more influential and inspirational approach to PD.
Why it’s important to look back on our thoughts throughout our experiences when reflecting on our results.
How influence can help you solve the most difficult part of school leadership – human interactions.
How to use the STEAR Cycle to see how your decisions are being influenced.
What you can do to act in courage every day.
The 5 C’s for taking action from a place of courage.
How the STEAR Cycle can help you set goals and achieve your desired result.
4 questions to help you develop your money manifesto.
What you can do to start reframing how you think about debt.
How to nurture your relationship with money so you can be more comfortable around the subject.
How to identify what thoughts you’re having about money and the impact they have on your life.
3 perfect questions to ask yourself when somebody is directing conflict at you as the leader.
How to get past your own thoughts about your teachers asking for help, and help in the best way you can.
Why you need to know the role you’re hiring for inside and out.
What you can do to prepare for actually having to go through the process of firing someone.
6 steps to establish coaching techniques with your teachers in a non-invasive way.
What you can do to recognize and stop self-sabotage.
Why your brain will resist mind management, especially at first.