EPISODE 9. Back to school season for teachers can be pretty tough, brutal even. Especially after a long relaxing summer, which was much needed. Because we're so conditioned by our routines over a break, it sends our bodies ...
EPISODE 8 Are you struggling with getting a grip on your duties as a professional and still living a life outside of work? Work-life balance for educators is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish because we feel lik...
EPISODE 7 We know from research that teacher burnout can very well set the stage and cause a ripple effect which can impact student behavior, academics, etc. However, if you are an educator, you know that difficult student ...
EPISODE 6 Are you still struggling to get a hang of this burnout recovery thing? Some people can implement some strategies and feel a little better, but often times one very important thing is missing. Inner work. Before y...
EPISODE 5 Have you ever wondered how you to create a burnout recovery plan? How long will it take? How will you find the time? In Episode 3 , I gave you some really great information about the stress cycle …
EPISODE 4 So you've decided to recover from burnout this summer, and now you want to know what exactly to do to end the stress cycle. This is the second episode in the Summer Self-Care to Burnout Recovery series and …
EPISODE 3 Are you ready to work on recovering from burnout this summer? Before you decide that summer is the solution to all of your problems, there are somethings we need to do first! Taking the time to do these …
EPISODE 2 One of the main reasons I began this podcast is to help teachers overcome burnout and provide validation; but it’s important to share with you that I am not some magical butterfly and rainbows teacher. I’ve been t...
EPISODE 1 Welcome to the very first episode of the Resilient Teacher Podcast! To kick things off, I am discussing how to determine if teacher burnout is stealing your sunshine with diving into what exactly burnout is, is NOT...
What if... instead of feeling burned out, frustrated, and drained from the never-ending to-do’s of being an educator instead of feeling overwhelmed, unsupported, overworked, and under-appreciated, instead of feeling like ther...